Why not send them a bouquet of flowers?
When they open the bouquet, there's a hidden message.
You could even make a bunch for a unique party invitation using this stampset, or just as a bouquet for someone who is allergic to real flowers. The variations are endless!
Isn't this adorable? The inside is customizable with any message you like, and the flowers are customizable with any of my 21 different ink colors. It looks much harder to make than it actually is. It's very beginner friendly!
This week's card design is the flowerpot card. I'm teaching this here in my studio all week. I'm also taking custom orders (details to come).
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Contact me to learn more and to make your own little pot of flowers! |
Love the look and want to make your own flower pot card? Here's what I've used: Kraft and White Daisy cardstocks, Blossom zipstrip, trimmer, nonstick microtip scissors, Versamat, adhesive, bone folder, 3x3" My Acrylix block, spritz, scrubber, Black Honey Sweet Leaf Topiary Lagoon Smoothie and Cotton Candy Exclusive Inks, A Budding Friendship stampset, and Framed stamp of the month (coming in August).
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